Digital TV Broadcasts in Jakarta, 2019
Although Digital TV has not been fully regulated, you can receive digital TV broadcasts in Greater Jakarta and surrounding areas, which have successfully scanned with AzBox Decoder we could received 30 programs. Frequency of 562 MHz 1. MetroTV 2. BBSTV Frequency of 578 MHz 1. TV One 2. Anteve 3. Sport One Frequency of 594 MHz 1. BSTV Frequency of 626 MHz 1. TransTV 2. Trans 7 3. CNN Indonesia Frequency of 642 MHz 1. TVRI 2. TVRI 2 3. TVRI 3 4. TVRI 4 5. Daai TV 6. Nusantara TV 7. Tempo TV 8. Inspira TV 9. Net TV 10. Badar TV 11. Kompas TV 12. Gramedia Frequency of 658 MHz 1. SCTV 2. Indosiar With Digital Broadcast it actually saves electricity usage, because 1 Transmitter can broadcast 4 to 6 programs TVRI itself has 12 programs, although the quality of reception is not so good (video sometimes freezes)