How The SFN DVBT2 works

How The SFN DVBT2 works

SFN is Single Frequency Network, the opposite of MFN: Multi Frequency Network

As we all know, In Indonesia the DVBT2 Digital Transmitter has a maximum Power of 20,000 Watts, with a transmit power of 20,000 Watts + Gain Antenna + Tower Height for the Jabodetabek area, of course you need a Signal Booster, to cover a large city, you need a SFN or Gap Filler

by installing SFN in Hambalang and Bekasi or Cikarang, of course, it will increase the coverage area while at the same time improving signal quality

The required device is

1. Exciter / Modulator that supports SFN (with GPS In, 10 Mhz In, 1 pps In)

2. T2 Gateways

3. Seamless Switch for T2 Gateway

4. Radio Link or Fiber Optic to connect the T2 Gateway from Main Transmitter to Additional Transmitter

5. GPS receiver and GPS Antenna

The equipment above is mandatory so that the signals reinforce each other

In addition to the equipment above, settings are needed which require experience and patience man, because to maximize the signal, careful checking is needed

Skema SFN 

Coverage Area with 2 units SFN 


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